Sunday, February 13, 2011

St Patty's Coaster GIP

(In case you don't know, "GIP" stands for "Gratuitous Icon Post".)

My current icon is a little ditty I finished yesterday. Yes, that's supposed to be a shamrock ... pretend the caterpillars got to it. (Hey, it's just turned Spring here, with temps supposed to be in the 70's for the next week or so. Those little caterpillars are hungry!)

I'm teaching a Knit It Super Simple (KISS) class later this week, and the star of the show will be a green mug coaster (not good for a hot pan or casserole dish and not good for keeping moisture away from the surface it's protecting but great for keeping a mug from scuffing up wood or whacking glass too hard). Since this will be the first in a series of classes for beginners, we'll be knitting up garter-stitch coasters in solid or variegated green cotton yarn, but I just had to make a shamrock one to show students how much fun coasters can be.

And yes, if I finish the set, I'll try to keep the caterpillars away from the other three. LOL!

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